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  • The technology of our company to manufacture anode materials is unique , and the qualification yield is 100 %
    辉宇负极材料的生产工艺独特,成功解决了天然石墨的不稳定性问题,产品质量合格率为100 % ,性能优良。
  • The practice indicated that when the system worked normally the qualification rate of the product could achieve 100 % and the ordering accuracy reached 3
    系统工作正常,产品一次性合格率达到100 % ,调配精度达到3 。
  • Statistics had shown that , from 2004 through the first half of 2007 , over 99 % of chinese food exports to the us , eu , and japan were safe
    据统计, 2004年到2007年上半年,中国出口到美国、欧盟、日本食品的合格率都在99 %以上。
  • Oub manulife had 27 enrollments for the program - a four per cent increase over the year earlier - and an 88 per cent pass rate of the exam
  • The shaoxing special food lead qualified rate was higher than the entire province other foods , compared the non - significance difference with local other foods
  • However , the factors of oee - availability , efficiency , and rate of quality - become indicators of where and what type of improvements should be made
    但是oee的要素- -时间利用率,设备性能率与质量合格率将会显示问题所在及相应的改善点。
  • In this paper , the noise of a automobile micromotor is analysed , which shows a way how to improve the quality of the automobile micromotor
  • We will construct under the practicable state and quality requirement of client . the qualified percent of unit work up to 100 %
    严格按照国家现行的《建筑安装工程施工及验收规范》和业主的质量标准施工,单位分项工程的质量评定合格率达到100 %
  • The rate of eligible doped molybdenum strip reach 99 % , and eligible doped molybdenum wire reach 88 % . the manufactory can yield 20t doped molybdenum wire annually
    其掺杂钼条的合格率达99 ,掺杂钼丝成材率达88 ,年生产掺杂钼丝近20t
  • Moreover , the environmental indexes including the urban tap water rate and the rural living and drinking water hygiene rate are all in 100 % compliance with the standards
    城镇建成区自来水普及率、农村生活饮用水卫生合格率等环保指标均达到了100 % . 。
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