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  • When the plane was heated , observation showed that the shape factor increased from 1 . 5 to 2 . 6 ; the mean velocity profile departed from the law of the wall ; the inertial subrange in the energy spectra curves disappeared ; the intermittent phenomenon occurred
    发现在加热的情况下,边界层的形状因子由1 . 5上升至2 . 6时均速度廓线中的平衡湍流层消失以及速度能谱中惯性子区消失等变化。
  • It is originated from dalian cimc containers manufacturing co . , ltd . . cimc group merged dalian container industrial co . , ltd on 15th march 1993 and renamed it as dalian cimc containers manufacturing co . , ltd . , with the address of hongqizhen , ganjingzi district , dalian
  • The results show that n - corl can also interact with another fragment f6 ( amino acids 2960 - 3576 ) . further screening proteins that interact with anther fragment f6 , we isolated the cdna of igm heaven chain contant region , ubiquitin - conjugating enzyme e2l6 and a new protein
  • This paper firstly sets forth macroscopical status of logistics devolepment and possibility & feasibility of exicuting the project , then analyzes and forcasts development of district gan jingzi and demands of logistics market in the future . finally this paper brings forward construct project and evaluation of effect
  • The algorithm included three steps : firstly , the text sub - region was selected adaptively according to the feature that the edges contained in text regions was stronger than those in non - text regions ; secondly , the blank bars between two text lines were extracted by blank blocks searching ; thirdly , the skew angle of blank bar was calculated by directional fitting , and this skew angle was just the document skew angle
  • Notch interaction with its ligands induces the cleavage of its intracellular domain ( ic ) , and the notch ic translocates to the nucleus and binds to rbp - j , the mammalian homolog of su ( h ) , to transactivate transcription of target genes such as e ( spl ) ( enhancer of split ) , hesl ( hairy and enhancer of split ) and hes5 four notch receptors and their ligands are differentially and redundantly expressed in a variety of vertebrate tissues
    它通过其识别序列( cogtgggaa )结合于受调控基因的启动子区,在转录激活因子的驱动下调节细胞分化和个体发育相关基因的表达。在没有n 。 tch胞内段的情况下, rbpj可与包含sm盯( silencingmediatorforretlnoldandthyroidhormonereceptor )和组蛋白去乙酞化酶的转录辅助抑制复合物结合,当notch信号被激活时; rbpj可与n 。
  • The two single - pass transmembrane proteins , delta and serrate , have been identified as notch ligands . the transcription factor suppressor of hairless [ su ( h ) ] is the major downstream effector of notch signaling pathway . rbp - j , the mammalian homolog of su ( h ) , recognizes the core sequence ( c / tgtgggaa ) of dna
    Rbp - j是果蝇促神经发生基因su ( h ) ( suppressorofhairless )在哺乳动物的同源物,它通过其识别序列( c tgtgggaa )结合于受调控基因的启动子区,在转录激活因子的驱动下调节细胞分化和个体发育相关基因的表达。
  • Then , 5 . 5kb thrombiotin gene was amplified with the same technique from the genome of a baby ' s blood , which included the begining part of intronl to the teminator . in addition , 6 . 0kb and 1 . 8kb homlogous arms were also amplified from a cow with high yield . the 6 . 0kb homologous arm contains the promotor , extron 1 , extron2 , extron3 and intron 1 , intron2 and part of the intron3 fragment , while the 1 . 8kb homologous right arms contains exon13 , exon14 and part of intron 13 , the whole intron14 and part intron 14 of asl - casein gene of bovine
    通过长片段pcr从高产奶牛的基因组中获得了打靶所需的长、短同源臂序列,长度分别为6 . 0kb和1 . 8kb ,位于s1 -酪蛋白基因的5上游区到第三内含子和十二到十四内含子;从绵羊全血基因组克隆得到了绵羊的-酪蛋白基因启动子区到第二内含子区4 . 1kb的5调控序列;利用同对引物克隆得到了水牛的同基因序列;从广西当地一婴儿脐血基因组中通过获得了人血小板生成素基因,位于第1内含子到终止子后部分的序列,长达5 . 5kb 。
  • On the basis of analysis on the characteristics of structural evolution , the growth of the source rocks is analyzed . in the period of mesozoic - palaeozoic , caledonian events and the evolution of hercynian - early indo - chinese cycle are experienced in two - phase marine passive continental margin and craton basin in the lower and middle yangtze region , by which stable enormous thick mesozoic - palaeozoic deposites are induced , six sets of source rocks are produced , it has a strong capacity of hydrocarbon generation
  • The results show that in determining the maximum multiplier effect of a certain branch area we should take a series of measures to improve the mpc of each branch , the investment in - flow rate of the certain branch area , the investment out - flow rate of the non - certain branch area and the initial in - flow rate of investment capital to the certain branch area
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