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  • Men hate an " uppity " woman ; they also hate an " aggressive " woman . ours has been a jane crow society for several thousands of years
    男办们不喜欢“傲慢的女人” ,也不喜欢“敢作敢为的”女人。我们的社会几千年来就是一个歧视妇女的社会。
  • Paying attention to knowledge capital , advocating taking our courage in both hands , obeying market rules , emphasizing responsibility sense and encouraging innocvation and reform
  • He has 4 sons and three wives . twoe of his wives often qurrel and cause troubles for the family . the cousin of his second wife is invloved in illegal weapon trade
  • Sony s new musical - artist yik pong nan , dare to composing , dare to sing , dare to write lyrics . yik pong handles all production of his first album " pon . .
  • Ads in action : advertising greenpeace campaigns greenpeace , the worlds largest direct - action environmental group , never ceases to attract attention with its commando - style protests
  • I love my husband . he ' s well read , adventurous and does a 7 ) hysterical rendition of a northern vermont accent that still cracks me up after 12 years of marriage
  • Moon has a crush on gao yuan , who is a few years older than she . the bold cootchie continues to encourage moon to show her feelings for gao yuan , and demonstrates for her the love advice
  • " i don ' t think that i ' ve dropped my level of aggressiveness and i guess that the day that people stop trying to knock me will be a signal to me that it ' s time to retire
    “我并不认为我敢作敢为的程度有所下降,而我相信当有一天人们都不再尝试打击我之时,就是我该是时候退休的讯号了。 ”
  • Say what you want about the apostle peter s occasional impulsiveness , but there was a reason why jesus chose him to be in his inner circle . there was a reason why peter was called to kingdom leadership
  • For scarcely for a righteous man will one die : yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die . but god commendeth his love toward us , in that , while we were yet sinners , christ died for us
    主爱:罗5 : 7 , 8 “为义人死,是少有的:为仁人死,或者有敢作的;惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死,上帝的爱就在此向我们显明了。 ”
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