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  • As far as the data telegram text receiving and dispatching time determination is concerned , there are multitudinous different viewpoints and legislations , among which , the " leaving " dispatch standard and the " estimated " receipt regulation have more rationality
  • In current circumstances of our poor and conflicting legislation and ignorance in legal practice , and in the background of running country according to law and moving forward the procedure of legality , how to deal with the evidence problem of data message correctly - not only for the problem of reality , but also for preventing our country away from unfavorable position in the digital wave - is the focus of this article
    毕竟,数据电文就在我们身边。在我国目前有关立法相当匮乏且互相冲突和司法实践茫然无措的现实情况下,在实行依法治国、积极推进法制化进程的背景下,如何正确对待数据电文证据- - - -不仅为了解决日益增长的现实问题,更是为了努力避免我国在数字化浪潮中居于不利地位- - - -是本文关注的核心。
  • When a contract is concluded by the exchange of electronic messages , if the recipient of an electronic message has designated a specific system to receive it , the time when the electronic message enters into such specific system is deemed its time of arrival ; if no specific system has been designated , the time when the electronic message first enters into any of the recipient ' s systems is deemed its time of arrival
  • From the corner of international legislation , the author states the common approach or principle ? functional - equivalent approach , resolving primary and conflicting problems of written , original and signature that can not be involved with traditional evidences : data message is also documentary and suitable with original ; the electronic signature has same effect with the hand - writing signature . the last is the importance of the research of data message evidence - not only for law , but also for technology . the second part is the legal position of the data message evidence
    从国际立法的视角论述了对待数据电文法律问题的通用原则和方法- - - -以功能等同法为原则,解决数据电文在书面、原件、签名三个最基本、也是冲突最明显的地方与传统法律不相容的问题:数据电文也具有书面形式;数争议时,一般需要通过协助调查义务人来作为双方之外的中立第三方提供相) 、谈的证据,从而通过推定的方式来确定电子邮件的真实性问题。
  • Compared with traditional evidences , the data message evidence has remarkable and incompatible characteristics . how to deal with this problem of data message evidence has become a problem we must face - a pressing and inevitable problem . after all , the data message is in the vicinity of us
    与传统证据相比,数据电文证据具有显著的、不相一致的、难以包容的特点,如何正确处理数据电文的证据问题已经成为我们必须面对的问题- - - -一个非常紧迫的问题,一个无法回避的问题。
  • In this chapter the following issues are observed : the validity of data telegram text and electronic signature , the capacity needed to sign an arbitration agreement on internet , the capacity of electronic agent , electronic mistake , and the validity of arbitration clauses enclosed in electronic form contract
  • By international analysis , the author gives a concept of data message - a flexible and open concept , summarizes four features showing the notable difference between the data message evidence and traditional evidence , which are high - technicality , invisibility , easy - destructibility and complexity
    作者采用国际通行的解释给出了数据电文的概念- - - -一个非常有弹性、开放性的概念。总结了数据电文与传统文书资料截然不同的四个特征:高科技性、无形性、易破坏性、复合性。
  • The next two chapters analyze the details of unification concerning two specific operations . chapter 4 deals with the unification of transaction forms and formula rules such as rules of data message , electronic signatures and authentication . with united nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods as a clue , chapter 5 focuses on the unification of transaction rules
    第四章重点论证了电子商务法的程式性规则- -数据电文、电子签名和认证规则的统一化;第五章以对《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的分析为主线,重点论证了电子商务实体交易规则的统一化。
  • Regarding international organizations , the uncitral has constituted a series legal documents regulating e - commerce including " uni tral model law on electronic commerce " , eu has also constitute d such legal documents as " the action program of eu e - commerce " , which becomes the framework of the e - commerce activities in europe
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