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  • She couldn ' t give me a definite date for her departure
  • It is also called the " golden room "
    这间大厅美其名“金屋” 。
  • I once saw a dwarf resist a spell cast upon him
    我见过矮人抵抗魔法。 (矮人:李奥克斯的胡子! )
  • The sage repeated lex talionis
    哲人反复: “同态复仇法。
  • They call it zugunruhe , the pull of the soul to a far - off place
  • Said : mind is the dwelling of our consciousness and is the sovereign of our body
    朱熹: "心是神明之舍
  • And all the people shall say , amen
  • Man who fishes in another woman ' s well , often catches crab
  • Roots of the dendroids will bind their enemies in place
    树精的根能盘住敌人。 (树精:我只会死缠烂打。 )
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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