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  • August pfluger , the head of a swiss environmental group dedicated to saving the baiji dolphin said wednesday that a six - week expedition found no trace of the species
    致力于保护白暨豚的瑞士环保团体的负责人弗鲁格星期三说, 6个星期的考察没有发现白暨豚的踪迹。
  • The baiji relies on a highly developed sense of sound to locate food and swim around obstacles , rather like bats bouncing sound waves off distant objects to judge their location
  • A few finless porpoises - - smaller , stouter mammals with blunt noses - - were moved into a reserve , along with one baiji . the porpoises survived , but the captive baiji died
  • By the end of 1995 china had set up 175 zoological gardens and zoological exhibition sites in public parks , 227 artificial breeding centers for wild animals , more than 60 large botanical gardens and 255 wild plant gene and cell banks to ensure the continuation of rare and endangered species of plants and animals , including the giant panda , chinese alligator , chinese sturgeon , white - flag dolphin , manchurian tiger , crested ibis , cathay silver fir , dovetree , cycas revoluta and camellia chrysantha tuyama
    到1995年底,中国共建动物园和公园动物展区175个、各种野生动物繁殖中心(场) 227个,建立大型植物园60多个、野生植物引种保存基地255个,使大熊猫、扬子鳄、中华鲟、白暨豚、东北虎、朱? 、银杉、珙桐、苏铁、金花茶等珍稀濒危动植物得到保护。
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