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  • According to figures released earlier this week by the world health organisation , 1 . 6m died of the disease in 2005 , compared with about 3m for aids and 1m for malaria
    根据世界卫生组织这一周的早些时候发表的数据显示, 2005年因肺结核死亡的人数达到160万人,而死于艾滋病和疟疾的人数则分别为300万和100万人。
  • Al - qaeda operates in more than sixty countries . hivaids and tuberculosis do not stop at immigration and customs . industrial emissions from one country do not respect borders
  • Researchers have linked some of these patterns , known as biomarkers , to diseases as diverse as diabetes , aids , and schizophrenia . previous disease - smelling systems have been big and difficult to use and had limited capability
  • The two sides place particular emphasis on peace and security , the fight against hiv / aids and sustainable development in africa and give their full support to african countries in their efforts to reach the millennium development goals
  • " you ca n ' t stop human desire , no matter how old they are , so it is better to protect them , " puntiva told reuters , adding that he had been telling his audiences about the risks of aids and unwanted pregnancy for years
    敦提说: “你不能禁锢人的欲望,无论他们的年纪有多大,所以最好的方式是保护他们。 ”敦提还指出,数年来,他一直在提醒他的歌迷有关艾滋病和意外怀孕的危险。
  • Along with a comprehensive “ battle plan ” against the disease , the assembly supported the establishment of a global hiv / aids and health fund to finance an expanded response to the epidemic combining prevention , care , support and treatment
  • Malaria and aids threatened three million africans the world health organisation ( who ) director wook - jong lee told an international health conference , announcing a 30 percent increase in who ' s budget for the region
    世界卫生组织第55届非洲地区委员会会议8月22日在莫桑比克首都马普托召开, who总干事李钟郁在会上表示,艾滋病和疟疾威胁着大约300万非洲人民。他宣布,该组织将把对这一地区的财政预算增加30 。
  • This newly discovered nutriceutical modulation of gsh by the use of humanized native milk serum protein isolate of bovine origin in aids and cancer may well find other applications in disease where oxidative stress and pathology of gsh metabolism are largely implicated
  • Last month , our health and human services secretary tommy thompson spoke in china of president bush s interest in furthering our practical cooperation on hivaids and other health issues . specialists from our centers for disease control are working on the ground with their chinese counterparts
  • Support the establishment on an urgent basis of a global hiv / aids and health fund to finance an urgent and expanded response to the epidemic based on an integrated approach to prevention , care , support and treatment and to assist governments inter alia in their efforts to combat hiv / aids with due priority on the most affected countries , notably in sub - saharan africa and the caribbean and to those countries most at risk
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