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  • Made during the turbulent civil war years , sun continued to express his ideology for a better china in which universal education holds the key
  • The law , in its majestic equality , forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under the bridges , to beg in the streets , and to steal bread
  • Don ' t tap on your bowl with your chopsticks . [ / color ] beggars tap on their bowls , so this is not polite , especially when you eat in a friend ' s home
  • You may ask why did the mother do so ; had the child been naughty , had the child ' s hand been infected ? ? no , it was done for two simple words - - to beg
  • They were now wearing less clothing than a year before , when they had been sent there to beg by the king of heaven as punishment for taking a nap while on duty as guards of heaven
  • At the same corner of wall street and broadway in new york the two former guards of heaven , who a year before , on 16 march 2000 , had become mortal again , met each other for the first time since
  • Their ragged jackets were about the only things they had left since their creations - two begging bowls , with " beggar . com " chalked on one and " e - begging " on the other - had fallen out of favour in the shop of curios called nasdaq
  • The visitor was introduced into the drawing - room , which was like all other furnished drawing - rooms . a mantle - piece , with two modern s vres vases , a timepiece representing cupid with his bent bow , a mirror with an engraving on each side - one representing homer carrying his guide , the other , belisarius begging - a grayish paper ; red and black tapestry - such was the appearance of lord wilmore s drawing - room
  • In the , sandwichman , distributor of throwaways , nocturnal vagrant , insinuating sycophant , maimed sailor , blind stripling , superannuated bailiff s man , marfeast , lickplate , spoilsport , pickthank , eccentric public laughingstock seated on bench of public park under discarded perforated umbrella . destitution : the inmate of old man s house royal hospital , kilmainham , the inmate of simpson s hospital for reduced but respectable men permanently disabled by gout or want of sight . nadir of misery : the aged impotent disfranchised ratesupported moribund lunatic pauper
    行乞方面:欺诈成性的破产者,对每一英磅的欠款只有一先令四便士的微乎其微的偿还能力者,广告人,撒传单的,夜间的流浪汉,巴结求宠的谄媚者,缺胳膊短腿的水手,双目失明的青年,为法警跑腿的老朽318 ,宴会乞丐,舔盘子的,专扫人兴的,马屁精,撑着一把捡来的净是窟窿的伞,坐在公园的长凳上,成为公众笑料的怪人。
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