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  • However , hydropower plays the main role in the power generation structure of vietnam and is on the leading position not only in aspect of the related installed capacity but also in aspect of the generation before 2001
  • Nuozadu hydraulic - power station will be built in lantsang river in yunnan province , has a oversize hydraulic power project , its highest height of the design dam achieve 260 meter , and its installed capacity arrive 5 , 600 , 000 kilowatt
    云南省澜沧江糯扎渡水电站,最大拟建坝高260m ,装机容量560万千瓦,属特大型水电工程。
  • Hebi power plant 2 x 600 , 000 kwh of power plant construction started construction phase , 2 x 13 . 5 kwh cogeneration project is to be completed , and at that time the generating capacity will reach 260 million kilowatts
    鹤壁电厂2 60万千瓦时的三期工程已开工建设, 2 13 . 5千瓦时热电联产项目即将完工,届时全市发电装机容量将达到260万千瓦。
  • New figures , released quietly at the end of january , showed that china last year surpassed its often - cited statistic of adding more electricity generating power each year than the entire uk national grid
  • Telecommunication : pinggu has complete modern telecommunication system , including program - controlled system with installed capacity of 200 thousand and the broadband multimedia computer internet palaform covering the whole district
  • So far , the thermal power capacity occupies 75 % of the nation total power supply . by predicting that the thermal power with coal will still be the main part of our country ’ s electric power supply during a quite long period
    目前我国发电厂中,火力发电厂的装机容量约占我国总装机容量的75 % ,并且在相当长的时间内,这种以煤为主的电力能源结构不会发生根本的变化。
  • The jiujiang power plant with a load capacity over 1 . 3kilowatts is the largest thermal power enterprise in middle china , and has already been completely finished , the power supply being dependable and strong and the electric power being abundant
  • They are helpful to planning new generators ( including the generators " capacity , type , address and time ) , designing , building and rebuilding the electrical networks . they are the most important jobs of the power planning utilities
  • The state ’ s total installed electric capacity reaches 385 gw , electricity generation is 1908 billion kwh and electricity consumption grows to 1891 billion kwh in 2003 . however , it faces a severe situation that electric power is in short supply as a whole
    2003年全国的发电装机容量达到3 . 85亿千瓦,全国发电量达到19080亿千瓦时,用电量达到18910亿千瓦时,电力供需形势总体紧张,缺电较为严峻。
  • As the most effective clean energy , hydropower is gradually exploited . since the capacities of hydrogenerators are increasing , they are becoming the main generators of the power grid . so the running reliability of hydrogenerators is vital
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