Twice in the middle of the story , irving stopped to ask twain if he had already heard the joke 在说故事的中场,尔文有两次停下来问吐温是否已经听过这个笑话。
The storyteller will be sitting beside a statue of a kindly looking man holding an open book 说故事的人会坐在一个和蔼可亲的男人雕像旁,他手里拿着一本翻开的书。
He heard a lot of touching stories on those programs , and storytelling began to appeal to him 那时从节目里常可听到许多动人的故事,让他开始觉得说故事是一件有趣的事。
Spiritual exercise for the majority of chinese sunday schools is still song singing and story - telling 相对下,多数儿童主日学所能供应的属灵操练仍停留在唱歌和说故事的阶段。
I enjoy keeping my uncle john company . when we get together he tells me stories and we play games 我很喜欢陪约翰叔叔。当我们在一起时,他会说故事给我听,还我们还玩游戏呢!
Francis is a good storyteller and an extremely good writer , and he encouraged me to start writing 福朗西斯是一个很擅长说故事的人,也是一个极其优秀的作家,他鼓励我开始写作。
Dancing in native costume , singing , storytelling , and craft demonstrations are all part of the celebration 身著原住民服饰的舞蹈、歌唱、说故事、及工艺展览都是庆典中的一部分。
Through the lens and their creative writings , they wish to share how they perceived things around them 希望他们透过摄影镜头,以第三者角度去看周遭的事物,以相片及文字去说故事。
What disappointed her most was that she could not draw well with her unsteady hands . but we were happy telling stories 最令她失望的是她的手不稳,不能好好画画,但我们仍快乐地说故事。
Find connections in our universe through eating an orange , telling stories , meditation , pictures , and sharing 透过吃橘子、说故事、冥想、画图、分享,体认人与宇宙间万事万物的关联。