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  • To limit such damage , risk managers ( employed by the software developers or the merchants themselves ) study sales data compiled before the anti - fraud software was implemented
  • To win his board ' s backing for this deal , after some ill - fated attempts at growing organically abroad , mr yang agreed to hire an experienced american as chief executive
  • On the 18th , the relief team rented two bulldozers and four trucks with drivers . the bulldozers mainly cleared garbage and debris from the streets , and the initiates cleaned up nearby houses with handcarts and shovels
  • Even though i don ` t really care because i plan on living forever , i will hire engineers who are able to build me a fortress sturdy enough that , if i am slain , it won ` t tumble to the ground for no good structural reason
  • Using usd1 , 500 from the first small donations , they hired two computer scientists and with a couple of old donated computers , started creating a glossary of khmer computer terms as preliminary work before starting the translation
    他们用第一笔小额捐款中的1 , 500美元雇请了两个计算机科学家,加上一些捐助的旧计算机,开始建立库美尔语的计算机术语词典,作为翻译工作开始前的预备工作。
  • Although the icu ratio of two nurses to one patient described by the swiss researchers may be one that few american hospitals want to pay for , the seerity of illness seen among patients in major urban teaching hospitals warrants it , nursing adocates say
    瑞士研究者描述在icu病房中护士与病人的比例为2 : 1 ,在美国,很少有医院愿意花钱雇请如此多的护士,但城市大型教学医院中病人病情的严重性却要求必须有这么多的护士,护理提倡论者说。
  • During the relief work , the initiates employed a taxi driver and traveled through the three hardest hit areas of grenada , including the beach near marquis island . they stopped to comfort many families whose homes had been completely destroyed , offering them monetary gifts and master s sample booklet in the hope that god s love would bring the victims some comfort and security
  • And so we started off on that course really believing that software was quite distinct from hardware and that , if you wanted to have a company doing state - of - the - art software , it ought to be very neutral to various hardware providers and really optimize hiring and training around the software because it is quite different
  • After the tsunami , the world health organization warned of the spread of epidemic diseases such as typhoid , malaria and cholera in the disaster - stricken areas . so to prevent further problems , the initiates had brought along two high - quality fogging machines from korea and hired local operators to run them
  • A company located in ningbo , zhejiang founded in 1999 which just a private enterprise handled in plastic products , development from initial ten personnel to about 500 in 2005 , annually products value between 10 to 20 million , the management also appeared gap , leaders deeply troubled with the problems everyday and hired ding hong to assist with solution
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