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alive and well

"alive and well"的翻译和解释


  • But according to recent developments in quantum physics , they may still be alive and well somewhere
  • Milan ? the news couldn ' t be better : ricardo oliveira ' s sister , maria , is alive and well
  • Thanks to5 the efforts of people like the grimm brothers , the folktales of old are alive and well today
  • People like the grimm brothers helped keep folktales alive and well by writing them down and putting them into books
  • Yes the markets have changed , but not so the consumption of video images and stories . story telling is alive and well
  • Skagway - the frontier spirit is alive and well in the gold - rush town of skagway , the northernmost point of alaska s inside passage
    汐卡sitka -星罗棋布的渔船,增添盛产鲑鱼水域的美景,曾是俄裔美国的首府。
  • Two years on , resentment of american hegemony is alive and well , along with a sense that it may be on the wane anyway
  • Just for today , i will feel happy i am at work , alive and well , and not in a combat trench or in a hospital awaiting surgery
  • After the mission , while he makes his way through the streets of manhattan , john is stunned to see susan , apparently alive and well
    完成任务后,冼约翰独自在纽约街头徘徊时,见到素珊竟然活生生地站在眼前,一段奇妙的恋情亦由此展开. .
  • Be it the dissolution of sin yong hua heng or the marginalisation of chinese theatre , it boils down to the question of whether the chinese language here is alive and well
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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