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all creation

"all creation"的翻译和解释


  • 15 he is the image of the invisible god , the firstborn over all creation
  • He is the image [ greek : icon ] of the invisible god , the firstborn over all creation
  • A soulknife recognizes his own mind as the most beautiful ? and the most deadly ? thing in all creation
  • 15 he said to them , " go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation
  • All creations in anyone ' s life are a mirror for the unconscious planes that one knows little about
  • Sent to proclaim the good news to all creation mk 16 : 15 , we work so that the kingdom of god will appear on earth
    我们都奉派到天下去,向万民传布喜讯谷16 : 15 ,要努力工作,使天国临格。
  • Arren spends his days laboring in the fields and interacting with nature , taught and guided by ged how all creation in the universe is realized on a balance
  • Upon this realization i was overcome with bliss and contentment . i truly understood when master repeats lao tzu s message that " all creations are one .
  • The plan for the soul included experience of all creation , but it did not necessarily mean identification with a participation in all forms and substance
  • Niv ) nothing in all creation is hidden from god ' s sight . everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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