Military maps and airscapes can be showed again in the computer by merging these image blocks into whole one . according to positions of control points between the map and the image , they can be converted into the same coordinate system . in the beginning , some general ways of digital image processing are introduced , including geometric correction algorithm and bilinear interpolation , etc . then how to change a military map into a digital map is discussed , and a simple method is used to put the small scanned images together 本文对一些常用的图像处理方法作了介绍,重点是几何校正和插值运算,然后讨论把军事地图转化为数字地图应注意的问题,接着用一种简单的方法把分块扫描的航片拼成了一幅大的航片图像,最后对拼接好的航片定标,使航片不仅包含地貌信息还包含地理信息,成为一幅基准图。