Fortunately, before harris could get any words out, captain demerest hung up . 幸亏哈里斯还没有来得及吭声,德默雷特就把电话挂了。
They haven't got any intellectual stimulus such as you get up here in the city . 他们不象你们生活在城市里的人,在智力上得不到任何启发。
When i did not get any satisfaction from the local people i wrote to the head office . 当地部门做出的回应我十分不满,因而向其总部投书。
You have to go to the world which he has created to get any inkling of his actual character . 你要知道上帝的实际性质的任何迹象,你必须到他新创造的世界里去。
When you have got any power over him, i think you might try and use it to make him better . 在你对他还保持一定影响的时候,我认为你应该尽量运用这影响,使他改恶从善才对。
Your grandfather isn't likely to consent to it unless he can make sure that he's not got any other drain on him . 你外公未见得肯答应,除非他弄清楚别的方面没有再开销他的地方。
The thing disturbed me so that i couldn't get any peace of mind for thinking of it and worrying over it . 这桩事情使我心里七上八下的,老是想着这个,老是为了这个发愁,简直一会儿也踏实不了。
The three poor distressed men, too anxious for their condition to get any sleep, were, however, sat down under the shelter of a great tree . 可是那三个可怜的遭难者,却因为焦虑着自己的处况,睡也睡不着,只好在一棵大树的荫凉底下呆呆地坐着。
- i didn ' t get any messages . - i was in a hurry -可我没有收到任何留言-我太忙了
Hey ! did you get any loot ? where ' s my share 嘿!你拿到宝贝了没有?我的那份呢!