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independent films

"independent films"的翻译和解释


  • I m in talks with some people , trying to put something together . i would like to make independent films and hollywood films . i m definitely open to doing more mainstream films , not limited to any genre
  • But don t you think the movie would become much more commercially calculated if a star is presented in an independent film ? in some senses , it would not look like an independent film anymore
  • When some people hear about independent film , they may even back out , as they think that the budget of independent film must be very low , and so why would they want to pay and see it in the theater
  • When some people hear about independent film , they may even back out , as they think that the budget of independent film must be very low , and so why would they want to pay and see it in the theater
  • Therefore , it is really not easy to promote independent film in hong kong . as the pioneer in this field , we hope that more people would learn to appreciate our films , and so it would provide a better environment for us to further explore its possibility
  • Therefore , it is really not easy to promote independent film in hong kong . as the pioneer in this field , we hope that more people would learn to appreciate our films , and so it would provide a better environment for us to further explore its possibility
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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