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make a lot of sense

"make a lot of sense"的翻译和解释


  • For instance , if the knicks try to play curry / randolph with david lee at sf ( not sure if they ' re playing that combo much ) then yi could make a lot of sense with bogut / ruffin or bogut / gadz
    比方说,如果尼克斯用小前锋大卫-里来配合克里或兰多夫(不知道他们会不会这么组合) ,那么我们就可以用易建联配合博古特或鲁芬,或搭配博古特或加德祖里奇来应对。
  • The health center is a management - by - exception tool , so only health indicators in an alert state are viewable it doesnt make a lot of sense to grab the valuable attention of a dba for something that isnt a problem
    Health center是一种根据异常进行管理( management - by - exception )的工具,所以只有处于警报状态的健康指示器才是可见的(没有必要将dba宝贵的注意力浪费在不构成问题的事情上) 。
  • We re hoping soap will be universally adopted , and as you move up the stack from uddi and bpel , the business process stuff , you ll find there are specific niches where this makes a lot of sense , and in those niches , that s exactly the right answer
    我们希望soap将被普遍采用,当你从堆栈的uddi和bpel (业务流程之类的东西)向上移动时,你将发现这在许多特定的小环境中很有意义,在那些小环境中,这恰恰就是正确答案。
  • On the other hand , scripting - and particularly scripting with groovy - can make a lot of sense when it comes to rapid prototyping of small , highly specific applications that are not performance intensive , such as configuration systems and or build systems
  • In this case , sending xml over jms makes a lot of sense , and if you wrap your document - oriented xml in a soap envelope then it makes even more sense ; you can take advantage of the header structure of soap and even possibly gain some out - of - the box features like ws - security support
    在这种情况下,通过jms发送xml看上起更合理,并且如果您将面向文档的xml包装在soap信封中,那么它甚至会更好;您可以利用soap的header结构,甚至还可能获得一些现成的功能,比如ws安全性( ws - security )支持。
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