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socialistic market economy

"socialistic market economy"的翻译和解释


  • It is the significant topic for the chinese entrepreneurs in the processing of the socialistic market economy consummated , the environment of the reforming and opening , the uncommon historical chance of entering the wto
  • Intermediary service is one of the three big pillars in commercial bank business . with the development of socialistic market economy and the improvement of economic system , intermediary service will play a further important role to the survival and development of
  • To the status of china - rapid economy development , serious shortage of water resources , and great gap between water supply and demand , new thoughts and approaches are studied in this paper to resolve the problems under the condition of socialistic market economy
  • Concerning the present situation of our country , this dissertation pays its attention closely to the development of agriculture and rural economy , and aims to quest ways and methods to establish a rural land property rights system which adapts to the demand of the socialistic market economy
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