A genetic transformation model for the brown seaweed undaria pinnatifida has been primarily set up by using micro - particle bombardment as the method , female or male gametophytes as the gene recipients , hybridization as the regeneration route and chloramphenicol , hygromycin or basta as selective reagents 本文从转化受体、转化方法、报告基因、再生途径、筛选方法等方面对裙带菜的遗传转化进行了研究。首先,分离并建立了裙带菜雌雄配子体的无性繁殖系,进行了裙带菜的不同再生途径的研究。
Second , more feature points are extracted for advanced registration based on projective transformation . compared with the ordinary method , our method has a better robust feature with higher accuracy , it also has a fully automatic feature so it need little human intervention in the whole process . the image segmentation , feature extraction , feature correspondency , and transformation model of multi - modality medical image registration are also studied in this paper 本研究的创新之处:针对rf和fa视网膜图像的特点,提出了新的血管细化的新方案;在特征点提取方面,提出了“三轮定心”这种新的特征点提取方法;提出了由“粗配”到“细配”的混合配准方法;力矩主轴法用于图像配准参数的估计及对应性尺度参数范围的定值。