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  • She hummed and hummed as the moments went by , sitting in the shadow by the window , and was therein as happy , though she did not perceive it , as she ever would be
  • I have gained a new understanding of the lyrics of songs i ' ve sung for years by explaining their meaning to my band mates , two of whom speak no english
  • Music of intimate tranquillity and deep moving expression . the almost classical recording presents mongolian songs and improvisations in the fine acoustic of a little bavarian church
  • If you are with a few people it ' s almost a social thing ; a few people with a couple of guitars , sing a few songs and some people stop and watch and maybe you can make a little money
  • If you are with a few people it ' s almost a social thing ; a few people with a couple of guitars , sing a few songs and some people stop and watch and maybe you can make a little money
  • The purpose of this paper is to study music information retrieval which is belong to the multimedia information retrieval , so , the user only need to hum part of a song and can get the song he or she wanted
  • My friend , who i mentioned , cannot recall a lot , but when we sing a song together , he knows the hymn . he comes out of his complete confusion and he sings the melody perfectly , with the words and notes correctly
  • In the 1990s he performed once , because of a booking mix - up , in a military camp run by the south african defence force , and enjoyed watching the white soldiers dance while he sang , catchily and sunnily , “ i am a prisoner in my own country ” , and hummed zulu insults at them
  • Based on observations , interviewing with original teachers , " self - designed music activities curriculum checklist " and " self - designed music learning behavior observation lists " , video analysis , research notes , etc , we found that all 15 students improved ( 1 ) students looked forward this music lesson . ( 2 ) interaction among students become more frequently . ( 3 ) students improved their pronunciation and oral communication skills . ( 4 ) music teaching activities made students more concentrated . ( 5 ) language communication and understanding were improved . ( 6 ) students become more self - confident in interpersonal interactions . ( 7 ) the eye control , coordination ability of the students were improved . ( 8 ) the emotion of emotional disturbances students become more stable
    此研究结果也与研究者、五位协同研究教师在教学现场观察的教学情境观察记? 、教师访谈资? 、课程实施后?思札记结果相互呼应,包括( 1 ) 15位国小特殊学生非常期待上音?课, ( 2 )受试学生之间互动比?增加, ( 3 )音?教学活动有?于其发音与口语表达, ( 4 )音?教学活动帮助其上课?为专注, ( 5 )在语言沟通方面,其能哼唱歌曲、有较多的口语表达,在语言理解方面,其更能听从教师指令; ( 6 )人际互动关系方面,其对自我较有信心,较愿意参与教学活动;在团体音乐活动时,较愿意在同侪面前表演; ( 7 )在动作发展上,学生之视动控制、四肢协调能力有所增进, ( 8 )情绪困扰学生的情绪更为稳定等。
  • Based on such shortcomings in studies on query by humming , we did some work as followed : in the module of building a melody database , reduced the data that needed to be calculated by extracting the repeating patterns in the songs , and proposed an improved repeating - pattern - tree ( rp - tree ) algorithm , with much better performance ; in the melody extraction module , firstly extracted the sequence of the pitches , then removed some wrong points and reduced the number of dimensions in sequence of pitches in some way after which a time series of pitches was generated ; in the melody matching module , analyzed four familiar errors that occur to the humming and the requirement to the search algorithm , by which we designed a retrieval method of dynamic time warping ( dtw ) algorithm based on n - gram index ; implemented a prototype system , and after doing the experiments , we got a top ten hit of 94 %
    本文针对以上哼唱音乐检索研究中的不足,进行了如下工作:在建立旋律库模块,通过提取乐曲的重复模式来减少旋律匹配的计算量,提出了重复模式树( repeating - pattern - tree , rp - tree )算法的改进算法,大幅度提高了重复模式提取算法的性能;在连续哼唱输入的旋律提取模块,采用了先提取基频轨迹,再对基频轨迹进行去除错误点以及降维操作的方法,生成了音高时间序列;在旋律匹配模块,分析了哼唱输入可能具有的四种常见错误以及对检索算法的要求,设计了基于n - gram索引的动态时间弯折( dynamictimewarping , dtw )检索算法;最终实现了一个哼唱检索的原型系统,通过实验,达到了94 %的前十名命中率。
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