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  • Kowloon bay has become a red - hot neighbourhood following a number of land auctions at high prices during the year
  • To my son i leave all i own - to wit : my house , what are in it , and land on which it stands
    我所有的东西,都给了我儿子- -那就是说,我的房子,房子里的东西,以及房子座落的地皮
  • " it doesn t say what the new man s going to do with it , " remarked hurstwood , looking back to the paper
    “这上面没说地皮的新主人打算把它派什么用场吧, ”赫斯渥说,又看了看报纸。
  • The site has a developable gfa of 163 , 000 square feet and has been earmarked for residential and commercial purposes
    地皮可供发展楼面面积为163 , 000平方尺,已规划作商住物业用途。
  • A different types and sizes of sites are provided for application by developers so as to meet various market demands
  • This 400 , 000 - sq . ft . site will be developed into a top - quality mall , offices and luxury residential complex
  • We have picked our site , however - - lake geneva - - and we would not refuse either land or accessories if we knew where to get them
    我们已经选好地点了- -就在日内瓦- -假使我们能从哪儿搞到地皮或附属设备,我们会去搞的。
  • Legco panel on planning , lands and works 24 feb ; town planning board 10 mar ; wan chai district council 21 mar
  • Two sites were sold at a government land auction yesterday for a combined $ 706 million , well below market expectations of $ 800 million to $ 1 billion
    政府昨日拍卖两幅地皮,成交价合共7 . 06亿,比市场预期的8亿至10亿为低。
  • He was of a clean , saving disposition , and had already paid a number of monthly instalments on two lots far out on the west side
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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