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  • China experienced extreme weather events last year , including a severe drought in the southwest , which the country ' s top meteorologist said last month were likely caused by climate change
  • During the cretaceous , northern alaska was even farther north than it is today , and so the dinosaurs that lived there would have needed mechanisms to cope with both the cold and the dark
  • An un report released earlier this year warned that billions would face a higher risk of water scarcity and millions more would likely go hungry as greenhouse gases changed the earth ' s weather systems
  • A red cross plane packed with emergency supplies trying to land near the quake site in takhar province had to return to the afghan capital , 240 kilometers 150 miles to the south , because of bad weather
  • Despite the unfavorable conditions , all the relief materials , including medical supplies , tents , sleeping bags and other items , were eventually packed and delivered to the airport just on time to catch the flight
  • On this occasion , the facility was host to many celebrators of the chinese new year , and amazingly , through masters grace the unpleasant weather that had been forecast for the day gave way to bright sunshine , changing the sky into a heavenly blue canopy
  • The next day was christmas , and master allowed the aulacese initiates to see her in the afternoon and explained why she had not allowed children and older initiates to attend the retreat , saying that children must play , so it was not appropriate for them to attend the retreat . with the weather being unpleasant and many hours of meditation being required , it was not suitable for the older initiates either
  • Along with the coming of the military information times , the wide use of the new high - tech , especially the computer technology in the military field , will bring forth the new weaponry , and the simulation training methods representing advanced productive forces are gradually replacing our traditional live training in the field , which has played a clearly positive role in greatly improving army ' s training effects , saving training funds and eliminating the negative effect of bad weather on the field training
  • Epdm coiled waterproof rubber material is the well - known coild waterproof material in the world . our processing line was introduced from japan , which involves technology of cool - feeding injection , multi - drum and continuous - vulcanization . we use the high - grade raw materials or assistant materials that were purchased at home and abroad . our products strictly comply with thestandard of gb18173 . 1 - 2000 . the productsfunctions include : resistant to ozone , good durability , resistant to corrosioe , excellent stretching resistance as well as long service life ( 30 - 50years ) , cool - construction and easy to install
    三元乙丙橡胶防水卷材是当今世界上公认的高档防水材料,我公司采用引进日本的冷喂料、挤出多鼓式连续硫化生产线,先用进口和国内优质原辅材料,严格执行国际gb18173 . 1 - 2000标准进行生产,该产品具有极优的耐臭氧老化、耐天候老化、耐化学腐蚀、高弹性、高强度、高延伸性和耐高低温性能、使用寿命30 - 50年、冷施工、维修方便等特点。
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