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  • And as though afraid she might find some comfort , he turned back and trying to assume an air of calmness , he added : and dont imagine that i have said this in a moment of temper ; no , im quite calm and i have thought it well over , and it shall be soyou shall go away , and find some place for yourself ! but he could not restrain himself , and with the vindictive fury which can only exist where a man loves , obviously in anguish , he shook his fists and screamed at her : ah
    他仿佛怕她不会想个法子来自己安自己,于是回到她身边,极力地装出心平气和的样子,补充地说: “您甭以为我是在生气时才对您说出这番话的,现在我心平气和,我把这一点缜密地考虑到了,只有这么办,分开,您给您自己找个地方吧! ”但是他忍受不了,现出愠怒的样子,只有爱她的人才会这样,显然他自己感到痛苦,他晃了晃拳头,向她喊道:
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