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  • The chinese translation is by pei - ling ooi . she is from malaysia and is also studying at stanford university and an active organizer of the dharma realm buddhist youth
  • In my world there is community , insight , love , real quality ; the individual is the total , the totality ? in the individual . all are one and the one is all
  • Generally , the bell with her shape and sound is a metaphor for wisdoms clear , space - like nature with sounds phenomena coming from silence and returning there soon
  • With even mind that takes all things as equal , and stays peaceful and tranquil , mind will be clear and happy and will develop its full potentials to reach a harmonious state that embraces the whole dharmadhatu
  • However , because buddhism is still new to america , drby needs to do more than just ask , but also has to provide the material and tools required to make the dharma alive for the youth growing up in america
  • The following speech is by david yin at gold sage monastery . david yin was born in the us and currently studies at stanford university . he is also an active organizer of the dharma realm buddhist youth
  • My wish is that everyone , dharma masters , lay people , and drby can work as a team on this project , and i believe that if all of us are working together , then we can really be able to keep the dharma alive
  • When you understand that names and shapes are hollow shells without any content whatsoever , and what is real is nameless and formless , pure energy of life and light of consciousness , you will be at peace ? immersed in the deep silence of reality
  • " he has put up an unknown and undistinguished figure for an opening that conservatives worked for a generation to see filled with a jurist of high distinction , " wrote bill kristol , editor of the conservative magazine the weekly standard
  • As the teachings developed by sakyamuni after he reached buddha - m ? rga , " buddha - dharma " is the explication about the origin of all creatures in the universe and the truth of life as well as the explanation about the holy knowledge of how to achieve such a goal
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