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  • The cell differential matrix equation is founded on the basis of mechanics analysis of the waterwall and superheater tubes . it is computed by the ansys fea software the effect on the heat and stress coupling field of some operation parameters , which is the theory guidance for accelerated lifetime tests and the accurate life evaluation
  • The function of draining management module is to calculate the pipe maximal flux and the average flux by recursion arithmetic and the mixed water quality count , to export kinds of special maps ( according to water target , flux and pipe diameter ) . the function of database management module is for database establishment , database maintenance , data input , data export . the function of query and statistics module is to manager the database of drainage pipe network , which was established by database management module
    用户管理模块主要用来管理使用系统的用户属性;排水管理模块主要是利用递归算法计算管段内最大流量、平均流量,一般的水质混合计算和各种专题图的输出(按水质各指标、按流量、管径等) ;数据管理模块主要完成污水管网gis系统数据库的建立、日常维护以及数据的输入、输出等功能;查询统计模块主要是对利用数据管理模块建立好的污水管网数据库进行信息管理,其主要功能有管网检索、查询、统计等基本功能。
  • The computation shows that the structural reliabilities is improved by use of the elastic joint . the calculation obtained from the seismic input model proposed by oujinping is more closed to the analysis calculation from fixed value , and the calculating results from the other two seismic input models are larger . 6
  • As we all know , the heat transfer of geothermal heat exchanger ( ghe ) is affected by a lot of factors , where groundwater advection has a comparatively great impact indicated by experimental data . while almost all the design tools for ghe are based on principles of heat conduction and rely on some estimate of the ground thermal conductivity and volumetric specific heat . however , the large part of vertical u - type pipe lies in the saturated soil , especially in zones along the coast or with plentiful groundwater , which will be affected by groundwater advection greatly
    但是对于垂直u型埋管来说,管段大部分位于土壤饱和区内,实际上其穿透的地层中总是存在着地下水的渗流,尤其是在沿海(河、湖泊)地区或地下水丰富的地区,埋管的传热性能大部分都受到地下水渗流的影响,此时土壤内发生的是热传导和地下水渗流共同作用下的复杂的、非稳定的传热传质过程(简称热渗耦合传热过程) 。
  • On the base of analysing the ordinary design methods , aiming to the minimum annual cost or investment , taking the pipe length and water pump lift as decision - making variables , the linear programming models are presented to optimize the diameters of main network and field network
  • The analysis shows that : ( 1 ) straight pe pipe ' s current ability is 15 % - 21 % higher than steel pipe on same inner pathway basis . but it ' s another story based on same outer diameter . we must displace the steel pipe with pe pipe with careful calculation
    聚乙烯燃气管道工程技术特点的分析表明: ( 1 )同等内径下直管段聚乙烯管比钢管流通能力大15至21左右,但同等外径下聚乙烯管的流通能力不一定比钢管大,需要计算确定,不能盲目以相同外径的聚乙烯管匹配钢管。
  • The technological innovation and optimum design were implemented by the design organization during the working drawing period , as a result , the new technology of separated floor for draft tube bend is applied , and the optimized arrangement plan of structure is more compact , the structure form is more rational , rate of progress is accelerated , about 1 . 37 hundred million yuan is saved , which is of significant general benefits
    施工详图阶段,设计单位根据创建节约型社会的宗旨,积极开展一系列技术创新和优化设计工作,并首创了厂房尾水管肘管段分离式底板新技术,优化设计后枢纽布置更加紧凑,建筑物结构形式更为合理,加快了施工进度,节约工程投资约1 . 37亿元,综合效益显著。
  • Results show that the tube - burst is mainly due to the result of tube ' s long term overheating , while the main causes resultsing in overtemperature of the platen superheater are as follows ; ( 1 ) burn - out of superheater ' s pipe - grippers ; ( 2 ) some tube - sections are out of the row ; ( 3 ) unsuitable mode for adjusting the desuperheating water
  • Soil springs are used around the pipe including vertical , lateral and axial soil springs to consider the interaction between the pipeline and the surrounding soil . the pipe segment near fault that usually suffers large deformation is modeled with a plastic shell element in order to consider the effect of local buckling and section deformation . to reduce the calculating time of the whole model , an equivalent spring proposed by the author is applied at two ends of the shell model
  • Theoretically , according to the weakness of the traditional pipe ' s computation , on the basis of the numerical modeling , new methods have been forwarded . after discrete the heating pipe , the design of heat preservation was done partially . in comparison with the traditional method , there are many advantages on the economic benefits and costs
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