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  • The very pretty , curly - headed child , with eyes like the christ with the sistine madonna , had been portrayed playing cup and ball
  • You can see as well as i , said retty , the auburn - haired and youngest girl , without removing her eyes from the window
    你和我一样看得见, ”那个长着红褐色发的姑娘最年轻,名叫莱蒂,嘴里说着话,眼睛并没有离开窗户。
  • Denisov , with streaks of grey in his curly hair , moustaches , and whiskers , wearing his generals coat unbuttoned , sat beside countess marya
  • Nie , smoothing the scattered curls of her hair , which had now quite a masculine appearance ; " and do you not think me handsomer so ?
    欧热妮喊道,一面抚弄那些零碎的发。她的样子现在已很象男人, “你觉得我这样不漂亮吗? ”
  • She was eighteen then , a lovely girl , with beautiful skin , long curling black hair , and fine black eyes which shone as brightly as her jewels
  • Heat sesame oil , stir - fry ginger until slightly burnt , add garlic and chicken , stir evenly , add chili pepper and all seasonings and cook until flavor is absorbed
    调味料中的麻油放锅内加热,先炒姜片,微焦时放入蒜片及鸡腿同炒,接? ?韧? ? ?鱼? ?料烧入味。
  • He was past sixty and had a michael angelo ' s moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp
    他年过60 ,有一把像米开朗琪罗的摩西雕像那样的大胡子,这胡子长在一个像半人半兽的森林之神的头颅上,又曲地飘拂在小鬼似的身躯上。
  • He began to pull himself together , straightening up his bent figure and passing his hand , as was his wont , over his scant gray hair , of which a few locks strayed behind his ears
  • Anatole brought two candles , and set them on the window - ledge , so that it was quite light . dolohovs back in his white shirt and his curly head were lighted up on both sides
  • He privately smoothed out the curls , with labor and difficulty , and plastered his hair close down to his head ; for he held curls to be effeminate , and his own filled his life with bitterness
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