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  • Shortly afterwards the bat again fell to the ground and was caught by another weasel , whom he likewise entreated not to eat him
  • The toad ' s nervous terrors all returned , but the badger only remarked placidly , ‘ they are going it , the weasels
    蟾蜍的神经质的恐惧又袭上心来,可獾只是平静地说: “他们正闹腾哩,这群黄鼠狼! ”
  • One day , a bat who was very tired , landed on the ground . as he was trying to take off , he was caught by a weasel
  • Do you mean to tell me , ’ shouted the rat , thumping with his little fist upon the table , ‘ that you ' ve heard nothing about the stoats and weasels
    “难道, ”河鼠大声喊道、小拳头重重地敲着桌子, “你根本没听说过白鼬和黄鼠狼的事吗? ”
  • At the time of his eminence s birth , there were many auspicious signs , such as a bucket of water transforming into milk , bright light manifesting in the area , and many others
    三人云:我来自黄鼠狼冲天的碉堡,手指县的方向。商主复云:你们三人不同凡俗,究竟是何者的化身? 。
  • American bar weapon damage modifier increased from . 5 to . 75 against marder iii armour type . bar will do more damage when it penetrates the armour of the marder iii
    美军白朗宁突击步枪( bar )对黄鼠狼3型坦克歼击车伤害倍数由50 %增加到75 % 。白朗宁在穿甲成功时将对黄鼠狼3型造成更大伤害。
  • When a pair of criminal masterminds , the wolf and the weasel , threatens the destruction of several of the world ' s major cities unless their demands are met , ace - detective , alex cross is once again called into action
    当一对犯罪阴谋家? ? “狼”和“黄鼠狼” ? ?发出了不满足其要求就要摧毁全球几大城市的威胁后,皇牌探员亚历克斯?克罗斯再次受命采取行动。
  • The pioneers in the field have also discovered that the chances for success will be dramatically increased if the organization creates a “ skunkworks ” ? a completely separate entity insulated as much as possible from the day - to - day operations of the parent organization
    这个领域的先锋们也已经发现如果组织能够建立“黄鼠狼项目” ? ?一个与总组织日常操作尽可能隔绝的完全单独的实体,成功的几率就会显著增加。
  • A blundering bat once stuck her head into a wakeful weasel ' s bed ; whereat the mistress of the house , a deadly foe of rats and mice was making reday in a trice to eat the stranger as a mouse . " what
    一次,一只冒失的蝙蝠不小心闯入一只黄鼠狼的窝里,这只警醒的母黄鼠狼是老鼠的天敌,她正准备把他当成老鼠一口吞下去, “好呀,你胆子还真不小, ”她说道: “我早就受不了你们老鼠偷偷摸摸的行经了,现在,你竟敢溜到我的卧室来?
  • This time danglars had double reason to understand , for if the word and gesture had not explained the speaker s meaning , it was clearly expressed by the man walking behind him , who pushed him so rudely that he struck against the guide . this guide was our friend peppino , who dashed into the thicket of high weeds , through a path which none but lizards or polecats could have imagined to be an open road
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