It turned out that twins arthur and teodor , aged five , and their cousin jesper , also five , had not been playing with tat but with 1 , 200 - year - old viking treasure unearthed in the back garden . " after we checked on the internet , we realised that it was not something from h & m , " said marita kruze , mother of the twins 而研究结果让所有人大吃一惊,原来他们5岁的双胞胎阿瑟和特奥多尔以及两人的堂兄叶斯珀玩耍的并不是什么廉价的儿童玩具,而是1200年前北欧海盗们埋藏在克鲁兹家后花园里的宝贝。
Beijing ' s olympic park is located at the northern end of the south - north middle axis of the city . to its south is the city center and to its west lies the city ' s cultural quarters , where there concentrate institutions of scientific research and higher learning in addition to scenic spots and places of historical interest . with a total area of 1215 hectares , including 760 hectares of forests and lawns , the chinese ethnic museum ( 50 hectares ) and the international sports exhibition center ( 450 hectares ) . the park will be the most ideal area in beijing for cultural activities , leisure and activities , leisure and sports . this will turn the garden by forest into the most imposing . most exuberant private meeting place and back gardens . by the year 2008 , this place will boast the most advanced facilities and resources to make your life perfect . you can be sure the opportunity now lies right at your hand 奥林匹克公园位于城市中轴线北端,南侧为市中心,西侧为著名的科研文教区和历史风景名胜区.公园占地约1215公顷,其中包括760公顷的森林绿地, 50公顷的中华民族博物馆以及405公顷的国际展览体育中心,赛后将成为全市最高品位的文化,休闲,健身区域"这一切无疑都将成为倚林佳园独傲北京的最气派,最奢华的私人会所与私家后花园. 2008年,这里将聚集全亚洲乃至全世界最项级的设施和资源.然而,这契机就在身边,不容你不信
And the back garden of the provincial government within a stones throw of it as well as the double - lake bridge leans close to it . the natural scenery and humanistic environment have created a cozy and elegant atmosphere for the customers . room intro 酒店拥有163间套精心设计的幽雅客房,标准房的建筑面积多达35平方米,配备时尚高速的宽频接口,免费的使用权让每一位元商务客人尽享网路的便捷且每间客房均可透过明净的视窗,欣赏绚丽多彩的湖光山色和古朴典雅的各式建筑。
They wanted to leave this house because they wanted to change their style of furniture , so he said , and he was in process of saying that in his opinion art should have ideas behind it when we were torn asunder , as one is torn from the old lady about to pour out tea and the young man about to hit the tennis ball in the back garden of the suburban villa as one rushes past in the train 据他说,那家人搬出这所房子是因为他们想换一套别种式样的家具,他正在说,按他的想法,艺术品背后应该包含着思想的时候,我们两人就一下子分了手,这种情形就像坐火车一样,我们在火车里看见路旁郊外别墅里有个老太太正准备倒茶,有个年轻人正举起球拍打网球,火车一晃而过,我们就和老太太以及年轻人分了手,把他们抛在火车后面。