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  • In this report , we review the characteristics of tracheal or bronchus - associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas ( bal toma ) , as evidence for accepting the possibility of tracheal lymphoma in our case
  • In maryland alone , the cancer society predicts , there will be 10 , 210 cancer deaths this year , with the largest number - - 2 , 900 - - coming from cancer of the lung and bronchus
  • A fungus ball composed of blue - staining hyphal elements of aspergillus is seen here in a bronchus . fungus balls may also form when fungi colonize cavitary lesions of tuberculosis
  • We report here a male patient with pulmonary emphysema and lung bullous disease who developed severe constriction of the main bronchi after intravenous adenosine during general anesthesia
  • In the first three weeks there were no significant changes in the lung parenchyma of the occluded bronchus . three weeks later atrophy could be observed there . five weeks and two months later atrophy could
  • Chronic stimulation of the lungs and bronchi result in chronic bronchitis and emphysema causing shortness of breath and wheezing . smoking also weakens the defense mechanism , making smokers more prone to chest infections
  • To solve the problem of two separating lobes in a child ' s pulmonary surgery , this paper introduces the design , manufacture and clinical application of the bronchus blocking tube , which can better ensure patients ' safety when anaesthetized
  • Objective : inquiry into the bronchus asthma about the fungi pneumonia after the brunchus asthma sufferer that long time , large volume , irregular pattern of the usage of hormone , tally up the bronchus asthma sufferer management in the problem that should notice
  • Result : the occlude and the implantating device were examined by the chinese physic and biological products inspection bureau . the conclusion was that the products are both met the standard of the q / scgl1 - 2000 . forty - eight occludes were successfully implanted into the bronchi of all the dogs
  • Conclusion : the bronchus asthma suffers have the inflammation in pharynx , which has longer course of diserse and brerks out over and over again , and which can lend to serious pathological charges in lungs , for example , copd , chronic pulmonary heart disease , serious infection in lungs , the lower local resistance to disase , and some disease with diabetes mellitus , pulmonary tuberculosis , and malnutrition in the body cause the lower resistance to diserse in the body , and what is more serious is the long - term , and repeated uses of hormone , which lend to lower and lower resistance to disease in the body , and at the same time , long time uses to the antibiotic cause the imbalance of the bacterium in the body , and the fungus which is no sensitivity to antibiotic reproduce and attack the body , and the fungus will be infected
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