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  • Mix in a swirl of your favorite syrup - vanilla , hazeinut , almond , caramel , raspberry , irish cream and chocolate
  • Sieve and fill the mixture in the caramel container , and bake in bain - marie for 30 minutes . leave to cool . invert to serve
  • A giant chocolate brownie cake stacked up high , served with vanilla espresso ice cream fresh whipped cream and caramel sauce
  • But even his fiancee was surprised when shtefano told her he was making her wedding dress out of flour , eggs , sugar and caramel
  • But even his fiancee was surprised when shtefano told her he was making her wedding dress ? out of flour , eggs , sugar and caramel
  • " give me a decaf triple vente , 2 pump vanilla , non - fat , extra hot , stirred , no foam caramel macchiato with whip cream and caramel sauce top and bottom .
    “给我一杯热的、无咖啡因和泡沫的香草糖浆脱脂加奶油浓缩式焦糖玛奇朵咖啡。 ”
  • This berr is made of high quality light and caramel malt and the finest varieties of hops . the beer is a refined beveage for true connoisseurs
  • Winning smile : active grandmother with original teeth seeking a dedicated flosser to share rare steaks , corn on the cob and caramel candy
  • Melissa , aged 18 , says she can hardly wait : " i love starbucks caramel coffee - it ' s very good and i like the concept that they ' re opening in paris
    18岁的梅利莎说她已经迫不及待了。她说: “我非常喜欢星巴克的焦糖咖啡,真的很好,我喜欢它在巴黎开张。
  • For example , recently the youngest and smallest of the group , caramel , was being bullied , chased away and left out of the group , occasionally causing him much distress
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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