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  • Only when you are completely enlightened can you see the funny side of all things in this world and then you can be crazy - a very balanced craziness
  • Only when you are completely enlightened can you see the funny side of all things in this world and then you can be crazy - a very balanced craziness
  • He was known to be completely at ease inside . however , many people considered him insane and called him crazy ji . but actually he was faking craziness . some people seemed to see him eating meat and drinking wine
  • Nevertheless , his novel [ b ] i am a cat [ / b ] was more than craziness that he suffered at that critical time . instead , it was full of wits , philosophy and enlightenment
    在《猫》里,他极尽幽默讽刺之能事戏描出一群终日插科打诨面对明治维新后的新事物无奈又彷徨的知识分子。 “他们时刻在嘲笑和捉弄别人,却又时刻遭受命运与时代的捉弄与嘲笑。 ”
  • Otherwise , there will be no time left . originally in chinese only when you are completely enlightened can you see the funny side of all things in this world and then you can be crazy - a very balanced craziness
  • Otherwise , there will be no time left . ( originally in chinese ) only when you are completely enlightened can you see the funny side of all things in this world and then you can be crazy - a very balanced craziness
  • With the craziness of students , the fad of studying abroad swept china and the group of students going overseas became younger and younger - from originally only graduate students to high school , junior middle school and even elementary school students now
  • Young people , especially secondary school students , take super stars as their idols . these young fans are keen to follow their idols , sometimes to the extent of craziness , even go to the extremes . accordingly , some negative results are caused
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