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  • Green barrier in international trade is a double - edged sword with good side and bad side for every nation
    贸易绿色壁垒本身是一把“双刃剑” ,它具有双重的性质。
  • Perhaps the best - known example of a double - edged genetic mutation is the one responsible for sickle cell disease
  • He told me that the strategy of finding ways and means to cut cost is a double - edged sword ; it cuts both ways
  • The network is like a double - edged sword , which activates the teenagers on the one hand , and puzzles them on the other hand
  • Information technology is a double - edged sword . it offers benefits , but it is also fraught with vulnerabilities
  • " if a kid is track - able , do you want other people to be able to track your kid ? it ' s a double - edged sword .
  • Coal is indeed china ' ' s double - edged sword ? the new economy ' ' s black gold and the fragile environment ' ' s dark cloud
    煤是中国的双刃剑? ?能源黑金与笼罩在其脆弱环境上的乌云。
  • Information technology ( it ) is a double - edged sword . it offers benefits , but it is also fraught with vulnerabilities
  • Advertising your haunt as " haunted " will be a double - edged sword because some people will never step a foot inside such a place
  • He replied , pulling from his waistcoat a curiously constructed pistol , having a double - edged spring knife attached to the barrel
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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