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in tow

"in tow"的翻译和解释


  • In the 1980 ' s , following in tow with the progress of china ' s opening and reform , pfizer entered the china market with a long term vision for development
  • And with advanced foreign experiences in towing with cable ; our special salvage tug is equipped with high - strength salvage towing cable and its guide cable - denima rope
  • Kenyon believes with the likes of john terry , frank lampard and joe cole in tow the blues have a young , english backbone to rely upon for years to come
  • All visitors , including families with young children in tow , will find getting from place to place convenient , enjoyable and , perhaps most important of all , safe - day and night
  • Gwendolyn hatcher , former inspector general of the city department of cultural affairs , told a federal jury that an outraged myerson stormed into her office with three of her top aides in tow
  • He was talk - radio fodder for weeks after coming back from park city , utah , with his right arm in a sling and a similarly flimsy excuse in tow ( he said he slipped on a patch of ice while crossing the street )
    从尤他的盐湖城回来之后的好几个星期他都是各个广播电台报道的素材,因为他的右手受伤了,还因为他那脆弱的理由(他说他过马路时踩到一块冰块滑倒了) 。
  • The main conclusion draw from this study are follows : l . this paper makes a study about the comparison methods of construction project and puts the methods in tow parts : the lowest limited bids and the compound lower limited bids
    通过本文的研究,得出的主要成果是: 1对现行评标办法进行了研究,将评标办法归结为“合理最低价法”和“复合标底法” ,为理性研究复合标底投标报价模型提供了研究基础。
  • From different viewpoints , it has different types . especially to say , i classify classroom observation in tow parts : quantitative observation and qualitative observation , which based on the method the researcher use to collect information . at the end of this part , i give a general research framework , namely plaining before the observation , doing observation records and analyzing the data
  • This theory and model of thinking has methodological significance to education research , has enlightening significance to research on perspective of student in the perspective of postmodernism , firstly , this article interrogates modern perspective of student , which shows in tow aspects : three classic perspectives of student are described and criticized , which are , comenius " " on the clock " , locke ' s " on white paper " and kant ' s " on ration "
    这一理论和思维方式,对于教育科学研究具有重要的方法论作用,其中对于学生观的研究具有重要的启示意义。在后现代主义的视野里,本文首先对现代学生观进行了质疑,这表现在两个方面,一是着重考察和批判了自近代以来的三种经典学生观,即夸美纽斯的“时钟论” 、洛克的“白板说”和康德的“理性论” 。
  • The appraisal for enterprise achievement can be carried out in tow levels . the first is in company administering level , that is the appraisal from owner to runner " s achievement and from investor to the enterprise value of investing object ; the second is in company " s inner operating management , that is the appraisal from business operating level to responsible center and individual staff
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