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  • You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life , but you must not rule over your fellow israelites ruthlessly
  • Since the collapse of enron , wall street investment banks have been ruthlessly enforcing regulations and holding their staff to the highest standards of business ethics
  • Liverpool dominated domestic and european football in the 70s and early 80s but could be a boring side to watch as they ruthlessly closed games down and nicked late goals
  • She is slim , red - haired , freckled , a quick entry to his not - my - type file ( he does not do this consciously , but his filters are ruthlessly consistent )
    她体形柔细,一头红发,脸上还有些雀斑,因而很快便被他归为“不适合自己”的一类(他并不是有意这样做的,但他的衡量标准是一如既往的,丝毫不夹杂着情面因素) 。
  • Doubtless some of tess d urberville s mailed ancestors rollicking home from a fray had dealt the same measure even more ruthlessly towards peasant girls of their time
  • It may sound like chaos , but it ' s only the lesson drawn from one of the insights of traffic psychology : drivers will force the accelerator down ruthlessly only in situations where everything has been fully regulated
  • As the 60s moved into full swing , he ruthlessly hacked out the deadwood and selected fresh - faced players with names like peter bonetti , ron harris , barry bridges , bobby tambling and terry venables
  • All that affair was inextricably mixed up with this soldier with the harsh voice , and that affair and this soldier here were so agonisingly , so ruthlessly pulling , crushing , and twisting his arm always in the same direction
  • So the king took all the israelites back to be his slaves . he sent many fierce taskmasters to ruthlessly watch over the slaves . each day , the slaves were forced to build houses and palaces with stones for the king and the royal family
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