You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life , but you must not rule over your fellow israelites ruthlessly 46你们要将他们遗留给你们的子孙为产业,要永远从他们中间拣出奴仆,只是你们的弟兄以色列人,你们不可严严地辖管。
Since the collapse of enron , wall street investment banks have been ruthlessly enforcing regulations and holding their staff to the highest standards of business ethics 自从安然公司倒闭后,华尔街的投资银行一直都在严格恪守章程,并将其员工的商业道德标准维持在最高水平。
Liverpool dominated domestic and european football in the 70s and early 80s but could be a boring side to watch as they ruthlessly closed games down and nicked late goals 利物浦在70年代末80年代初的时候控制了国内和欧洲足坛,但他们的比赛看起来很沉闷因为他们很冷酷地主宰着比赛,进球也很少。
She is slim , red - haired , freckled , a quick entry to his not - my - type file ( he does not do this consciously , but his filters are ruthlessly consistent ) 她体形柔细,一头红发,脸上还有些雀斑,因而很快便被他归为“不适合自己”的一类(他并不是有意这样做的,但他的衡量标准是一如既往的,丝毫不夹杂着情面因素) 。
Doubtless some of tess d urberville s mailed ancestors rollicking home from a fray had dealt the same measure even more ruthlessly towards peasant girls of their time 毫无疑问,苔丝德北菲尔德有些身披铠甲的祖先,在他们战斗以后嬉闹着回家的时候,对他们那个时代的农民的女儿们也有过同样的行径,甚至更加粗暴野蛮。
It may sound like chaos , but it ' s only the lesson drawn from one of the insights of traffic psychology : drivers will force the accelerator down ruthlessly only in situations where everything has been fully regulated 这听起来也许有点不可思议,但这种想法恰是来自于一种交通心理学的见解:驾驶者只有在被完全管制着的情况下才会不顾一切的踩着油门加速。
As the 60s moved into full swing , he ruthlessly hacked out the deadwood and selected fresh - faced players with names like peter bonetti , ron harris , barry bridges , bobby tambling and terry venables 二十世纪六十年代中,多赫迪大胆弃用了许多老队员,而使用了从青训系统中培养出来的年轻人,如皮特博内蒂、朗哈里斯、巴里布里奇斯、博比坦布林以前特里维纳布尔斯。
All that affair was inextricably mixed up with this soldier with the harsh voice , and that affair and this soldier here were so agonisingly , so ruthlessly pulling , crushing , and twisting his arm always in the same direction 这全部经历和这个带着尖细嗓音的士兵都是同一回事。这全部经历和这个士兵如此折磨人地无休无止地抓着挤压着他的手臂,一个劲儿地向一边拉拽。
So the king took all the israelites back to be his slaves . he sent many fierce taskmasters to ruthlessly watch over the slaves . each day , the slaves were forced to build houses and palaces with stones for the king and the royal family 所以他把所有的犹太人抓回来当他的奴隶,然后派很多很凶恶的人来看管这些奴隶,手段很严酷,每天勉强他们用石头盖房子盖宫殿,给他们的国王和王室们住,从早上到晚上都强迫他们工作,不能休息。