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  • In summertime , lots of folks enjoy relaxing , picnicking , and just hanging out with friends in the long summer evenings until after the sun goes down
  • It is not uncommon , especially during summertime , that localised parts of the territory are having heavy downpour while the other parts are enjoying abundant sunshine
  • For 70 years drive - in restaurants and movie theaters played upon americans ' devotion to their cars and became magnets for leisure seekers , especially during the summertime
    70年来, "免下车"餐馆和"免下车"影院就利用了美国人对汽车的这种钟爱,吸引了不少寻求消闲的人,尤其是在夏天。
  • I meet people who live in florida in the wintertime and and they live in the midwest in the summertime so they are members of two churches . then they also watch the hour of power
  • In wintertime , a south - facing apartment with its back towards the north is less affected by the cold northeast monsoon , while in summertime it gets breezy under the southerly winds
  • Beijing summertime real estate trade fair successfully held in july , 2001 at china international trade center , which reinterpreted the ‘ off - season ’ of real estate market through its influential result
  • The axis is tilted at 23 from the axis of orbit ; so , for part of the year , the lower half of the earth , of southern hemisphere , is nearer the sun - this gives summertime in the south
    地轴和它的公转轨道之间形成一个大约23度的夹角,因此一年中的一部分时间里,地球的下半部分,也就是南半球,比较靠近太阳? ?这时南半球的夏天来临。
  • There were sunny days and rainy days , but it rained only when necessary . it was not that cold and humid , and it would dry when the sun came out . summertime was not that hot
  • The main playground outside is well equipped with a play castle , sandpit and various other outdoor facilities like fountains for water play in the summertime and includes protective underlay for the safety of the playing children
  • Come summertime , american supermarkets stock their shelves with tanning lotions and creams either to help the sun bronze your skin or to change the color immediately by chemical means
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