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  • Nelson mandela regaled the cast of an oscar - winning gangster film yesterday with tales of his own teenage years as a pig thief
  • Friends from afar ! ! ' hung chung , general manager of students who join the staff warmly welcome visitors from home and abroad guidance . building albert
    有朋自远方来、不亦乐乎! '公司总经理洪涌生携全体员工热忱欢迎海内外各界人士前来参观指导。共创伟业!
  • What a joy beijing has to have visiting friends from afar ! today ' s beijing is preparing to receive her friends and guests from all over the world with a brand - new look
  • I judged i better hide it outside of the house somewheres , because if they missed it they would give the house a good ransacking : i knowed that very well
  • For decades , germany was happy fighting culture wars over nuclear versus renewable energy , while conveniently forgetting that it was increasingly dependent on russian gas imports
  • Direct response magazines ? run in magazines others have roved work for dr . getting the right media buy is critical ? have a source who gets me 90 ? 95 % off
    直接回应杂志-选择可使其它人为直接回应而忙得不亦乐乎的杂志。于适当的媒体购买广告是非常重要的找个可取得90至95 %减免的数据提供者。
  • I remember a group of locals and malaysians , apparently competent english speakers , having a whale of a time laughing at a japanese speaker ' s atrocious english at an international conference
  • Someone spends half of his life - time savings on a seaside holiday overseas and ends up coming back disappointed ; and there are people who can row their boats happily in a flood devastated area and really having good fun
  • All of this they wanted to see after , to secure the prisoners and the cannons , to divide the booty , to shout at and even fight with one another over the spoils ; and all this absorbed the cossacks attention
  • Mr . walters fell to " showing off , " with all sorts of official bustlings and activities , giving orders , delivering judgments , discharging directions here , there , everywhere that he could find a target
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