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  • " i am not saying that those who left did wrong , their choice was logical , mine instead was totally illogical , " said the no 1
    "我不是想说那些离开的人的做法是错误的,他们的抉择是合乎逻辑的,我的做法才是完全的不合逻辑的, "世界一号门将说
  • You believe in god , so then it s okay ; people will not be able to see you naked ; you believe in god , so then it s okay , you will not feel hungry
  • This series of stools are composed of cushion and steel tubes , which appears to be simple and illogical , yet provide the maximum support for the structure of the stool
  • Creating test cases using a capture tool : the most common way to create test cases is to use the capture feature of your automated test tool . this is absurd
  • The presumption permits to be refuted and repudiated on the basis of the fact , however , the fiction is ultimate though it does not accord with the logic or the fact possibly
  • This is not advertising the mysterious , either . instead , it is very logical and scientific . we are in a scientific age , where human beings are highly advanced
  • In the past , i was interested in making light - hearted romantic comedy . while in the future , i would like to try out some crazy comedies . for instance , there is a film called
    未来就想拍一些比较夸张的电影,例如像《国防大机密》 (二十多年前的西片)一样,整部电影都很痴线和不合逻辑,但很好笑。
  • One minor disadvantage to this approach is that , since tempnam can be used insecurely , various compilers and security scanners may give you spurious warnings about its use
    这种方法有一个小的缺点,由于可能无法安全使用tempnam ,所以各种编译器和安全扫描器可能都会向您发出使用不合逻辑的警告。
  • On january 25th he accused his detractors of trying to put the nation under a state of emergency and described their demands for a return to the old order as “ ahistoric and illogical ”
    1月25日他指责他的批评者试图将国家置于紧急状态下,形容他们要求回到旧的秩序是“无历史记载也不合逻辑的” 。
  • It shines naturally and people come near to read , eat , and chat in the light . it would be illogical to say that the lamp does not want to give illumination . illumination cannot be withheld
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