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  • Hardy ' s weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones
  • There s the billetts and the drenkhards and the greys and the st quintins and the hardys and the goulds , who used to own the lands for miles down this valley ; you could buy em all up now for an old song a most
  • G . h . hardy , a cambridge mathematician of the highest quality , wrote " a mathematician s apology " . in it he claimed to have the great merit of harmlessness , since as a particularly pure mathematicians , his achievements were beauty and knowledge without application
    哈代是剑桥大学的著名数学大家,写过一本《一个数学家的辩白》 ,在书中自言有一大优点,就是不会为祸,因为他专攻纯数学,成就在于美,在于知识,而无应用可言。
  • From the memoirs ( 4 ) of dressmaker hardy amies and portrait painter pietro annigoni to the recollections ( 5 ) of novelist barbara cartland , he trawled ( 6 ) the archives researching a second volume of royal trivia ( 7 ) after the success of his first in 2002
  • It is more accurate than traditional method at the aspect of calculating head loss , pipe flow and node pressure of hydrant . this mathematic model can also be used in the inside and outside of water supply piping calculation and it is excel hardy cross - piping calculation
  • From the perspective of regional novels , the thesis will analyze the instinctive divergence between lu xun and thomas hardy through the superficial similarities of the complex of nature - love , the tragic theme and the humanism imbued in both regional novels
    以19世纪末20世纪初中国和英国的乡土小说为视角,透过鲁迅与哈代乡土小说中的依恋自然情结、悲剧性主题及人道主义等相似点的表面现象来分析其作品的本质差异,即鲁迅乡土小说的社会性(强调人物与社会的冲突)与哈代乡土小说的哲学性(强调人物与自然环境的冲突) 。
  • “ jude ” included probably the most painful scene in literature ? in which a small child hangs his siblings and himself ? and though ms tomalin shows some exasperation with her subject over this maudlin melodrama , his reasons for being drawn to such frankly sadistic imaginings remain mysterious
  • Hardy wrote the vast majority of his works after he had lost his religious faith , so the fact that he in his works approved of both his characters ' pursuit of their ideals and rights and the values of charity , forgiveness , sacrifice and purity indicates that he was a humanitarian who believed that secular christian spirit - the christian spirit with its mysterious elements removed - had its eternal value
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