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  • " the department is seeking clarification with the us authorities on their measures to prevent the disease . as a precautionary measure , we will not issue any import permit for prairie dogs from the united states for the time being , " the spokesman said
  • I am on the alert for the first signs of spring , to hear the chance note of some arriving bird , or the striped squirrel ' s chirp , for his stores must be now nearly exhausted , or see the woodchuck venture out of his winter quarters
    我注意地等待着春天的第一个信号,倾听着一些飞来鸟雀的偶然的乐音,或有条纹的松鼠的啁啾,因为它的储藏大约也告罄了吧,我也想看? ?看土拨鼠如何从它们冬蛰的地方出现。
  • To explain this , biologists have theorised that these females are mating with males who are genetically superior to their regular mates , thus getting the benefit of parental assistance from a cuckold and good genes from a lothario
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