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  • These are the only jews among my fellow workers for the kingdom of god , and they have proved a comfort to me
  • I have carefully studied the report submitted to me , and am pleased to note the shared commitment to bilingual education at cuhk
  • After his wife ' s death , roosevelt consoled himself by writing , hunting , fishing , and working on his ranch in the dakota territory
  • " ah , " murmured caderousse , " what a strange priest you are ; you drive the dying to despair , instead of consoling them .
    “啊! ”卡德鲁斯低声地说, “你这个神甫多古怪!你非但不安垂死的人,反而要逼他们绝望。 ”
  • So as a show of appreciation , and in memory of his inspirational life , this release of debian gnu linux is dedicated to him
    为了表达我们对他的敬,追忆其满溢激励之情的一生,谨以此debian gnu linux 2 . 2版献给joel 。
  • It comes as a relief , therefore , that after a lifetime in economics , one can be sufficiently valuable to warrant a degree
  • The custom of trick - or - treating is thought to have originated not with the irish celts , but with a ninth - century european custom called souling
  • Thus , on the night of august 7 , 2001 , i begged master in meditation to let me experience her manifestation form , to fulfill my longing to see her in person
  • Seeing their expressions of gratitude and shyness , a sense of love welled up in us , with a feeling of contentment that we had had the opportunity to serve these needy souls
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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