The court of final appeal is a collegiate court of five judges , comprising the chief justice , three permanent judges and one non - permanent judge 终审法院由五位法官组成,包括终审法院首席法官三位常任法官和一位非常任法官。
The court of final appeal is a collegiate court of five judges , comprising the chief justice , three permanent judges and one non - permanent judge 终审法院由五位法官组成,包括终审法院首席法官、三位常任法官和一位非常任法官。
The rate is fixed from time to time by the chief justice by notice in the gazette under section 50 of the district court ordinance cap . 336 利率是由终审法院首席法官根据区域法院条例第336章第50条而不时厘定,并藉宪报公布的。
The chief justice of the court of final appeal is the head of the judiciary and assisted in his administrative duties by the judiciary administrator 司法机构的首长是终审法院首席法官,他在执行行政职务时,由司法机构政务长予以协助。
The rate is fixed from time to time by the chief justice by notice in the gazette under section 50 of the district court ordinance ( cap . 336 ) 利率是由终审法院首席法官根据《区域法院条例》 (第336章)第50条而不时厘定,并藉宪报公布的。
The article 23 bill adopts a similar approach , by providing that the chief justice may ( but is not obliged to ) make rules similar to those provided for in the uk 《基本法》第二十三条的条例草案采用同类的方法,规定终审法院首席法官可(但不一定要)订立类似英国制定的规则。
The rate of interest fixed by the chief justice pursuant to section 50 of the district court ordinance are published by notice in the gazette . in case of dispute the gazette rate shall prevail 终审法院首席法官根据区域法院条例第336章第50条而厘定的利率以宪报公布的利率为准。