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  • Groen , g . & resnick , l . b . ( 1977 ) . can preschool children invent addition algorithms ? joural of education psychology , 69 , 645 - 652
    刘范, 《中国现时的发展心理学? ?兼谈中国3 ? 12岁儿童数概念和运算能力发展的初步研究》 , 《心理学报》 , 1981年第2期。
  • But experts say parents and teachers may be game ( begin ) to suspect a problem if a child is good at speaking , reading and writing , but slow to develop math skills
  • Finally , of course , as i mentioned in my speech , there are nations in the region that have the technical capacity to produce nuclear weapons who have not done so
  • Innovative models influence process and direction of development of financial innovative abilities . scientific models accelecerate development of financial innovative abilities
  • This article discusses the ways to raise the competitive level , namely chinese companies can possess competence throught learning , bpr and innovation . only in this way
  • Traditional compiling pattern of college english textbooks is based on structuralism , resulting in decoding ability enhanced while encoding ability declined
  • The peoples of asia are particularly vulnerable to the dangers of proliferation . many countries that have the means to develop the deadliest weapons have refrained from doing so
  • Conclusively five career patterns are classified with the study of the characteristics of competencies in each career pattern and their relation with organizational strategies
  • The trine between jupiter and pluto produces a powerful exuberance in your nature that allows you to inspire others to their potential , as you likewise are able to achieve your own
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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