Whether it is a good thing or not i don ' t know , but that it is in the way , unsatisfactory , and irritating , i do know 此时窗外的天空灰蒙蒙的,所有的树木在雨中都湿透了,这样的天气我们哪儿都不能去,除了说故事或者聆听之外无事可做。
It is sometimes said that the real heroine of pride and prejudice is the narrative voice , which tells the story and belongs to no one in the novel 有人说《傲慢与偏见》书中真正的英雌是说故事的人,那个叙述故事却又不属于书里角色的人。
Jesus was never a preacher . he never delivered sermons . the sermon on the mount might be considered an exception , but he was a teacher of stories 因此耶稣从来不是讲道者, ?从不讲道,登山宝训可说是例外?却是说故事的老师,一个初期的比喻。
There are many filmmakers in hollywood , japan and europe that are good at storytelling and camera positioning , and i think they are all very good 我觉得无论荷里活日本或者欧洲都有很多好导演,他们说故事的技巧和镜头运用都很出色。我都很喜欢。
Thanks to this festival , there has been a renewed interest in storytelling , not only as a way of sharing information but also as an art form 感谢这个节日,这个节庆重新燃起了人们对说故事的兴趣,它不只是分享资讯的一种方式,更被视为一种艺术形式。
Besides the vivid characteriziation and the narratinve skill in those novels , he stressed romantic attachment in the realistic settings , also religious nature could be observed 综计徐?先生先后出版长、中、短篇小说集数十部,被称为最会说故事的人。
The cognitive theories for entertainment , role - play and talking - story play were adopted to release the child ' s stress and anxiety 笔者在护理期间,配合学龄前期儿童认知发展之特性,运用个案喜爱之娱乐性游戏、角色扮演及说故事进戏来抒解病童的压力和焦虑。
With soft music in the background , read your child a story before bedtime . a relaxed atmosphere and music can help calm a child and promote sleep 睡前和孩子边听轻柔的音乐边说故事,能营造一个温馨的气氛。音乐对孩子兴奋的情绪,也能发挥舒缓作用,有利孩子入睡。
Finally , students are encouraged to display their abilities in a storytelling and speech contest and talent show . these will enhance their ability as well as their confidence 藉由说故事&演说比赛及成果发表会,给予学生自我表现的机会,并增进其演说能力与自信心。
When your child develops a fear of an event or an object , try to explain the purpose of the event or object or use the method of storytelling to help him overcome his fear 当孩子对某件事情或物品感到恐惧时,试著对孩子解释物品的用途,或用说故事的方法帮助孩子克服恐惧。