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  • The casino issued to him , as a good customer , a “ fun card ” , which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks , and enables the casino to track the user ? s gambling activities
    译文赌场因他是一个好顾客而发给他一张“游乐卡” ,此卡可以积分并享受免费的食品和饮料,并能使赌场跟踪使用者的赌博活动。
  • The measures are the latest in a series of efforts by food and drink producers to prove they can be trusted to regulate themselves , amid mounting pressure on governments to curb obesity
  • Industry observers say coke ' s attitude reflects a broader sense of awareness among uk food and beverage producers that they must address consumer demand for products that offer some kind of health benefit
  • Some of the major sectors currently experiencing rapid growth are : processed food and beverages , gambling , transport , it and telecommunications , minerals and energy , environment protection , building construction products and services
  • We are looking for a relaible manufacturers & suppliers of agricultural equipments & machineries , industrial tools , foods & beverages , tea & coffee , fresh fruits , sea foods , tin food , water treatment chemical & agro - chemicals , etc
  • We are one of the only private equity firms in north america that concentrates exclusively on the food and beverage industries . we habe committed capital resources of $ 42 million and the ability with co - investment from its limited partners to invest up to $ 84 million
  • International brands , supply chain managers , chinese suppliers , local and international ngos , academic and government organizations , and others working in industries such as apparel and footwear , automotive , consumer products , electronics and food and beverage
  • International food & beverage ingredients news for china : providing the latest developments in ingredients , additives , formulating technologies and market challenges for china ' s food & beverage processors , with special focus on healthy , convenient , nutritional and functional food & beverages
  • After evaluating hebei ' s previous supporting industry with this index system . we can find these industries can not continuously supporting the development of hebei ' s economy . therefore , they shovild be selected and adjusted according to the standard of national industry classification . the previous supporting industry . including chemistry ( rnedicine - making ) industry . building material ( building ) industry , metal smelting industry
    利用该指标体系定量评价河北省原定支柱产业后,发现这些产业无法支撑河北经济的长期健康发展,应按照国家的工业行业分类标准,对它们进行重新选择和调整,将原定的支柱产业,化工(医药) 、建材(建筑) 、冶金、机械(汽车) 、食品等五项,调整为黑色金属冶炼及压延业、食品和饮料制造业、医药制造业、化学原料及化学制品业、电气机械及器材制造业等五大产业,从而校正产业政策的引导方向。
  • This computer control system with fuzzy controllers has research the request in technics . the success is a good test in changing manual operation in pharmaceutical factories and enhancing the safety , material consume and enhancing the radio of production . it also gives a good example which can be used in chemical industry , food industry and drink industry
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