So they and all that belonged to them went down alive to sheol ; and the earth closed over them , and they perished from the midst of the assembly 民16 : 33这样、他们和一切属他们的、都活活地坠落阴间、地口在他们上头照旧合闭、他们就从会中灭亡。
Now david left neither man nor woman alive to be brought to gath , for he said , perhaps they will tell of us , saying , thus did david do 11无论男女,大卫没有留下一个存活的带到迦特来;他心里说,恐怕他们将我们的事告诉人,说,大卫行了这样的事。
In his treatment of the moral confusion of his subjects , mr wilson is compassionate towards human weakness , and alive to the flesh - and - blood individuality of his sources 面对同胞们的道德迷惘,威尔森对人性弱点给予了同情,并关注到了他们鲜活的个性特征。
Since none of our main characters were alive to be interviewed , we crafted a stage reading from the words they left behind in diaries , letters , etc 因为我们所想采访的对象都已经告别人世,所以我们以这些人的日记、信件等为蓝本,采用了一种舞台阅读的方式。
But many of the army cadres are not yet alive to the importance of the intellectuals , they still regard them with some apprehension and are even inclined to discriminate against them or shut them out 但许多军队中的干部,还没有注意到知识分子的重要性,还存着恐惧知识分子甚至排斥知识分子的心理。
By the time he reached his own street he was keenly alive to the difficulties of his situation and wished over and over that some solution would offer itself , that he could see his way out 等他到了他家所在的那条街时,他充分意识到他的处境的种种为难,一次次盼望某个解决办法从天而降,给他一条出路。
When hester was less alive to this consideration ; or , perhaps , in the misanthropy of her own trouble , she left the minister to bear what she might picture to herself as a more tolerable doom 有一段时间,海丝特没怎么动脑筋考虑这一点也许是因为她自己痛不欲生,而把他的厄运看得比较容易忍受,也就没去过问他。
The american staffordshire terrier should give the impression of great strength for his size , a well put - together dog , muscular , but agile and graceful , keenly alive to his surroundings 美国斯塔福德更给人的第一印象是非常强壮有力,并且它是体形和力量完美的结合的狗,肌肉发达但是敏捷而优雅,对周围的环境有强烈的好奇心。
Oh the blessedness of the power of the god - given faith that enables a man to live all the day counting himself , and yielding himself to god , as indeed dead to sin and alive to god in christ jesus 哦,神所赐信心的能力是何等的祝福,它使一个人在生活中;能随时把自己降服于神,并算自己在基督耶稣里向罪真是死的,向神是活着的。