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  • So far , achieved studies on calcium in embryo sac of angiosperm mostly located in memebrane - binding calcium and total calcium but little in free cytoplasmic calcium ( [ ca2 + ] cyt )
  • Thirdly , it is possible that acorus is in an isolated , primitive position among the monocotyledon . the systematic position of acorus among the angiosperms deserves to be studied deeply
  • However , a small minority of angiosperms that perform apomixsis can overcome the effect of genomic imprinting to normally develop its endosperms without fertilization or with false fertilization
  • Ching in 1978 ; those of the naked - seed plants ( gymnosperms ) follows that of kubitzki in 1990 ; and those of the flowering plants ( angiosperms ) follows the system of cronquist in 1988
  • As an effective evolution strategy of angiosperms , double fertilization can enhance the survival of the embryos , seeds and seedlings in which endosperms play a key role in the development of seeds and embryos
  • Among thein , 2 species and 1 species are respectively pteridophyta and gymmospermae . all the others are angiosperm . the number of genera and species amount to 97 . 27 % and 97 . 87 % of all the genera and species of the wetland
    其中蕨类植物2种,裸子植物1种,而被子植物的属数和种数分别占南大港湿地植物总属数和总种数的97 . 27和97 . 87 。
  • As a result , western liaoning province has become one of the most important areas in the world for the study on the origin of birds , dinosaur evolution , and the early evolution and radiation of birds , mammal and angiosperms
  • Through investigation to west lake spot in huizhou , it showed that the pot had 127 species woody plant which belong to 48 families , including 6 families 8 species gymnosperm and 42 families 118 species angiosperm
  • Because of the special position of the genus paeonia in angiosperms and the enormous economic value of cultivated tree peonies , it is of great importance to have a better understanding of the interspecific relationships among species in sect
  • Hofmeister aso showed that the gametophytes and sporophytes of seed - bearing plants were homologous with those of ferns and mosses and that the gymnosperms formed a plant group between the latter and the angiosperms
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