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  • When copper exceeds the cellular needs , it is toxic through the production of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals , that have deleterious effects on cellular components including destabilization of plasma membranes and lysosomal membranes
  • A patent held by veterinary physiologist ralph brinster of the university of pennsylvania describes how a man with a " deleterious genetic trait " would first have a testicular biopsy to remove some of the primitive cells that develop into sperm
  • Though wall street managed a gain monday despite aig ' s report suggesting possible credit - related losses , many analysts believe there is still bad news yet to come in the credit markets that could have more deleterious effects on the stock market and the broader economy
  • Inflammation is best considered not as a single process but as a collection of distinct processes , each of which may have evolved for defense against injury , but each of which has also potentially deleterious effects
  • Scfa can enhance colon epithelial cell proliferation , may prevent gut atrophy associated with parenteral and low residue enteral feedings , and may also support the gut barrier function against the deleterious sequence of bacterial adhesion , colonization and translocation
  • Here again the scientist can sit on his lofty perch and disclaim any responsibility for what musicians do with his ideas ; but the fact remains that his impact on the musician is deep and profound and has had no less deleterious effects on music than on other areas of existence
  • With the development of the application of internet , corporations , goverments and universities all have build their own websites and provided some services such as e - business , e - government , remote education and so on . but there is so much deleterious information on the internet
  • Sender s signature on the front is the pledge that the item does not contain any dangerous article including explosives , flammable , corrosive , oxidizing , toxic , noxious or deleterious , or otherwise harmful substances , etc . , prohibited by international postal regulations
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