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  • Alice did not quite know what to say to this : so she helped herself to some tea and bread - and - butter , and then turned to the dormouse , and repeated her question . why did they live at the bottom of a well
    这回爱丽丝不知该说什么了,只得自己倒了点茶,拿了点奶油面包,再向睡鼠重复她的问题: “她们为什么要住在井底下呢? ”
  • One hypothesis is that the prairie dogs contracted the virus from infected dormice , rope squirrels , or gambian giant rats , which were housed in the same animal - holding facility or pet shop as the prairie dogs
  • They were learning to draw , the dormouse went on , yawning and rubbing its eyes , for it was getting very sleepy ; and they drew all manner of things - everything that begins with an m - why with an m ? said alice
    “她们学着画画, ”睡鼠继续说着,一边打了个哈欠,又揉揉眼睛,已经非常困了, “她们画各种各样的东西,而每件东西都是用老宇开头的。 ”
  • There was a table set out under a tree in front of the house , and the march hare and the hatter were having tea at it : a dormouse was sitting between them , fast asleep , and the other two were using it as a cushion , resting their elbows on it , and talking over its head
  • This piece of rudeness was more than alice could bear : she got up in great disgust , and walked off ; the dormouse fell asleep instantly , and neither of the others took the least notice of her going , though she looked back once or twice , half hoping that they would call after her : the last time she saw them , they were trying to put the dormouse into the teapot
  • The dormouse had closed its eyes by this time , and was going off into a doze ; but , on being pinched by the hatter , it woke up again with a little shriek , and went on : - that begins with an m , such as mouse - traps , and the moon , and memory , and muchness - you know you say things are " much of a muchness " - did you ever see such a thing as a drawing of a muchness
    爱丽丝不吭气了。这时候,睡鼠已经闭上了眼,打起盹来了,但是被帽匠捅了下,它尖叫着醒来了,继续讲, “用老字开头的东西,例如老鼠笼子,老头儿,还有老多。你常说老多东西,可是你怎么画出这个老多来? ”
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