" the time " has the life object inside english noun possessive case orthe lifeless object (在英语的名词所有格里面“时间”是有生命物体还是无生命物体呢? )
The couple wishes to live in a cozy little home rather than in a lifeless mansion 这对夫妇宁愿生活在小而温馨的房子里,而不愿居住在毫无生气的高楼大厦里面。
But as faithful johannes spoke the last word , he fell down lifeless and turned to stone 但就在忠实的约翰说完最后一句话之后,他倒下去变成了一块没有生命的石头。
The lifeless economies of many countries in the region have caused their consumer markets to shrink 该地区许多国家的经济不景气引起消费市场萎缩,货币疲软使购买力下降。
When the fullness of god ' s power is revealed no one will go out to talk about it in tame , lifeless tones 当上帝能力得到完全彰显的时候,就没有人会以平淡无味的语气谈论。
Paintings : lifeless images rendered in colorful goop . but at night , they take on a life of their own 绘画:用五彩缤纷的颜料描绘无生命的影像。但到了晚上,他们就有了自己的生命?
The body of jesus remained lifeless for three days in the tomb and on the third day came forth , gloriously alive 耶稣的尸体三天在坟墓里,但第三天活生生的?自己光荣地走了出来。
The totalitarian era is passing , its old ideas blown away like leaves from an ancient , lifeless tree 极权主义时代正在过去,它那陈旧的观念,如同无生命的古老树木上的树叶,被吹得脱落飘零。
It was just a lifeless seed of a nymph that chloris found one day in a clearing in the woods 当初玫瑰只是林中一个仙女的尚无生命的一粒种子。一天,花神克罗斯偶然在森林的一块空地上发现了它。
It seemed that the more lifeless he was at ordinary times , the more energetic he became at such moments of morbid irritability 看来,他平常显得愈加暮气沉沉,而在兴奋时就会显得愈加生气勃勃。