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long jump

"long jump"的翻译和解释


  • Prayer of mending : this spell can no longer jump to an imp with phase shift active . it will also no longer cause the healed target to stand up
  • Experimental study on developing juvenile football players ' speed and strength through the training of loaded squat standing in long jump oriented by 30 - metre race
  • Jeff : this reminds me of the earliest olympic star . he was ray ewry , an american , and the champion of the standing high jump and standing long jump
  • Mm long jump after ather lovely rabbit , probably five consecutive jump bar , the more the feeling never gave up , marking operation , the number of sub - test of your jump
  • Prayer of mending : this spell can no longer jump to an imp with phase shift active . it will also no longer cause the healed target to stand up
  • Very simple rules of the game , players control characters for long jump , including the start of the run - up stage , intermediate stage of accelerating , and the final take - off
  • The author adopt experiment law and mathematical statistical law save the not equal level man athlete of long jump for jiangxi pedal accuracy study by environmental factor influence
  • Carl lewis , winner of four consecutive olympic gold medals in long jump , at the age of thirty - five became a vegetarian six months before his last olympics on the advice of his dietitian
  • U . s . athlete barbara jordan , 70 , takes part in women ' s long jump final at wma world master athletics championships in san sebastian , spain . jordan came in third after jumping 3 . 56m
    图:年已七十岁的美国运动员芭芭拉.乔丹参加在西班牙赛巴斯蒂安举行的wma (世界大师田径锦标赛)的跳远比赛,她得了第三名,跳了3 . 56米。
  • Applying literature , teaching experiments , statistical methods for the long jump take - off technology teaching , this essay the applies " bow angle board " to long jump take - off technology teaching
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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